2019 Model 3 Std Range Plus RWD Depreciation in US

Last updated 18-Oct-2024

We have captured the real world historic valuation of Tesla over the years, and while historic depreciation doesn't mean the future will follow the same path, it does help understand if the current prices are realistic or a bubble. The same charts can also be used to value your current Tesla.

Use the filters to select the country, model, variant and year of car and we'll provide a bunch of useful stats to show the advertised price history which reflects the historical depreciation, numbers available at the time reflecting availability, and the current market prices. Unfortunately due to relatively small numbers of certain models we can't provide details for all combinations, however please get in touch if you feel a specific model has sold in sufficient numbers that it should be included and we'll check the data we have and include if possible.



Current Market Average Price for all cars currently for sale.


The Market Average, limited to cars listed in the last 7 days, is 23,713.


7 day listings average price changed to the average by -1,339. This is a short term indicator of price trends as it reflects the cars coming to market v cars that have been for sale for some time.

-5.3 %

7 day listings average price change to average was -5.3 %. This is a short term indicator of sentiment.

The 7 day analysis is benchmarked against all cars currently listed for sale. Cars listed at a high price and which haven't sold will increase the all car average, whereas cars listed cheaply are likely to have sold and not influence the stats. To counter this, cars are often listed at the high end of expectation and only reduced if they do not sell initially. This will correspondingly distort the 7 day figures upwards. While this is not an exact science, we believe the comparison is still a fair reflection of the short term sentiment in the used market for that model.

We also show the market for cars a year younger. You generally find that if you are prepared to accept a higher mileage you can buy a car 1 years younger which may include a number of benefits and new features such as heat pumps and Ryzen processors.

The charts only show data going back over the last year. We have data going back further for commercial use. Please contact us for details

The numbers include new, demo, Tesla used/CPO and 3rd party listed used cars for countries where we collect that information. High counts of cars early on may reflect peaks of Tesla new inventory. Prices are all based on advertised prices and not sale prices, for Tesla this is generally the same although CPO cars are sometimes discounted over time. The figures only resolve to model/year and make no allowance for features such as FSD or mileage, as such where the numbers of listed cars is small then a number of high spec, low mileage cars may lead to a higher average price, whereas a number of low spec high mileage cars may reduce the average. That said, the trend over time should still be broadly representative of the market.

To value your car you may need to make some adjustments to the average price shown. Tesla now have few options so there is generally not much variation in price after mileage has been taken into consideration however we feel the following adjustments are worth noting:

An alternative way of looking at depreciation is to look at the Tesla Cost to change as this reflects the replacement cost of the car. While your car may not have lost most much, to buy a 3 year younger model may be significantly more expensive than the value of your current car.

If you're looking for a car, we have extensive listings of Tesla cars for sale including new, cpo and used cars.

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